LAST CALL! 14 oz Full Color Zombie Tiki Collins Cocktail Glass

"LAST CALL!" ... We've all heard those words at the end of a long night out... so why not heed their call at the end of a long LIFE?
Our "Last Call" design conjures up all the Zombies in the graveyard to shuffle up to the bar to tie one very LAST one on.
Full-color, full-wrap screen printed graphics feature a selection of party zombies (including a familiar face or two) climbing back to the surface to head to the distant Tiki bar, classic cars and palm trees dotting the parking lot.
Glasses come shipped safely wrapped and packed with a Black Lagoon Room logo swizzle and pulp board coaster.
Designed by Pete Klockau at The Black Lagoon Room
Matching Full-Size Service Bar Mat Coming Soon!