Handmade SCARY SOAP Creature from the Bath Lagoon Scent from Dive Bar Soap Company
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A monstrous stink calls for an equally monstrous clean!
We're doing our part to make bath time fun again with our new SCARY SOAP!
Handmade by our dear pals at Dive Bar Soap Company in Oak Park, IL, each hefty, carefully crafted small batch bar o' soap will have you smelling your finest!
Our "Creature from the Bath Lagoon" scent features prominent notes of teakwood and fern, and is totally free of phthalates, sulfates, parabens, palm oil, and other gnarly stuff found in commercial soap products. Vegetarian friendly to boot!
Bonus points for fun box art AND a super special FREE PRIZE in every box (because you deserve it!)
For a whole slew of other incredible smelling soaps, candles, bath bombs and more check out divebarsoapcompany.com!