FISH FRY TIL I DIE 2" Glow-in-the-Dark Enamel Pin

We've Mai Tai'd almost til we died... now it's time for some Fish Fry!
Fish Fry is a year-round way of life in Wisconsin... You can get fish fry everywhere from supper clubs and sports bars, to gas stations and Chinese restaurants EVERY. SINGLE. FRIDAY.
We love a good variation on a theme, so here's the perfect pin for your weekly Fry-day!
These sturdy 2" enamel pins feature double-clasp closure and (best of all) they GLOW IN THE DARK ... better to light your way through those dimly lit, far-flung supper clubs!
(Props to our dear buddy Patrick Morrow for coming up with the concept!)
Designed by Pete Klockau at The Black Lagoon Room