It's tough to navigate your way through this life... but who better to help get ya where you need to go than "Host to Diplomat and Beachcomber, Prince and Pirate," Don the Beachcomber?
Not only did Donn Beach invent the modern concept of a Tiki bar (and Tiki drinks as we now know them) but he was one of the few pillars of cocktail history who made it so you could drink out of his head.
I dunno about you, but when I'm craving a "Rhum Rhapsody," Donn is *MY* co-pilot...
With our "Donn is My Co-Pilot" design, printed in cream on dark, coffee brown 100% cotton Gildan Soft Style ring spun T-Shirts, you can tell the world who's side your on, and exactly where your cocktailing priorities lie.
So pour yourself a nice aged rum and let the spirit of Mr. Beach take the wheel for awhile.